Getting back to normal in Covid world

According to Billgates, ‘The end will come’: Bill Gates is still hopeful the world will be ‘back to normal’ by end of 2022. Is it even possible to go “back to normal”? This is the question that arose for me after reading several articles online. For me, it is making me nervous because normal can […]
The Omicron Tsunami

COVID hospitalizations in New Jersey continued to rise dramatically on New Year’s Eve, reaching 4,005, the largest daily total since the pandemic’s initial surge in May 2020. While Amera-the #1 Ambulatory Day Surgery Transportation Agency nationwide prepares to strengthen its patient transport services across this new year 2022. Two hundred ninety-seven of those admitted to […]
Clinical Trials: A Medical Professional’s Guide

What is a Clinical Trial? Clinical trials are research studies that use humans to test novel medical treatments or procedures. An experiment is used to develop drugs, technologies, and other goods to determine whether or not they are safe and effective. Today’s medical research would not be possible without the use of clinical trials. Companies […]
Ambulatory Day Surgery Transportation

If you are using public transportation intended for Ambulatory Day Surgery Transportation, please allow sufficient time in case of cancellations or delays. When planning your return journey (or to other services such as a rehabilitation clinic), you may not be able to drive yourself so you may need to take other measures. Section 1: What […]